


Portrait of Dr Helen Ibbitson Jessup

                        for studies


Dr Helen Jessup has been a great supporter of my work since 1970 when she and her husband Philip purchased a major piece from my first show at the Redfern Gallery in London.

 Dr Helen Jessup is an academic expert on the art and architecture of Indonesia.

She curated a major show of Kmer Sculpture at the Grand Palais in Paris opened by the President of France as well as "The Court Arts of Indonesia" shown first at the Asia Society Galleries in NY and subsequently exhibited in the Dallas Museum of Art, the Arthur M Sackler Gallery in Washington DC and the Natural History Museum of Los Angelese County.

The commission coincided with a period when I was reappraising my working practice with the result that it took several years before I felt satisfied with the outcome. It was a difficult time for me so I was very grateful that Helen and Phil were so extraordinarily patient with me.

I have placed Helen against a carved decorated Balinese Palace door reflecting the natural world and her obsession with art and all things Indonesian, hoping this would be a means to set off what I thought of as her bird like character.